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Please enjoy this free collection of resources I created for you. All of the resources here are intended to be completed on a computer but you can also print them if you prefer handwriting. I don't. My handwriting is abhorrent and I envy the calligraphic neatness of my friends.


These are 100% free for your use, no email or signups necessary. Please don't distribute without my permission. Have a great day!

World Builder Sample

I have made the first chapter of World Builder digital edition available to you for free. Try it out and see what you think!

World Builder Sample Pages

City Builder Sample

The first chapter of City Builder digital edition is also free for your personal use. Enjoy!

City Builder Sample Pages

Religion Builder Sample

The first chapter of Religion Builder digital edition is also free for your personal use.

Religion Builder Sample

Flash Fiction Builder

I made this resource for a fun and quick writing activity. Use it to practice and perfect your craft. This builder freebie walks you through the outline process of flash fiction and includes helpful tips to make the most out of your stories. Remember to date your work so you can see your improvements over time.

Flash Fiction Builder Preview

Scene Builder

Scene Builder is a free worksheet that helps you outline and flesh out your scenes to get the most impact. Great fiction is more than words on a page and this one sheet scene summary provides actionable guidance for your writing. Use this resource to make sure your scenes are organized and on point.

Scene Builder Preview

Character Builder

There are a ton of character building resources available online but this is my personal take. Character Builder is a resource for capturing the most important details on your character. Use it for writing fiction, fleshing out your tabletop RPG avatar, or creating the next best NPC in video games. Whatever you choose, I hope this helps your creative process!

Character Builder Preview
Rainbow Potion

Shop Builder

Here is a simple one sheet supplement to City Builder for recording the details of a store.

Shop Builder Preview

Occupation Builder

I also created a one sheet supplement to World Builder or City Builder for creating your own profession.

Occupation Builder Preview

© 2025 by Lashelle Alee

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